DAX: B2C & B2B Market Data
You've heard of zoominfo? We have DAX, but better data and no games. DAX tracks 92% of US Consumer Data allowing us to provide your team with critical B2C and B2B analytics and contact info that will give your business a competitive advantage. Our comprehensive database provides customized business information and contact details for millions of companies and professionals worldwide. Our consulting services offers clients a wide range of reports that can be tailored fit to your sales, marketing, and recruiting efforts. Allowing you to connect with your targeted audiences more effectively to drive sales. A couple easy examples for the lending industry include lenders who want targeted info on consumers looking for a mortgage, or vendors wanting to know who is looking for new technology - DAX delivers.
B2C Consumer Data: We provide consumer data which includes, home address, home emails, home phone, cell phone, employer information, LinkedIn profiles, estimated household income, dependent info, digital ID for advertising - and more.*
B2B Company Data: We provide detailed information about companies, including company size, industry, revenue, location, leadership team, and more. This data helps businesses identify potential prospects, partners, or competitors.*
B2B Contact Information: We offer access to contact details for professionals within organizations, including email addresses, phone numbers, job titles, and LinkedIn profiles. This enables sales and marketing teams to reach out to key decision-makers and influencers directly.*
Our DAX consultants work with you to compile the data and contact info you want. How are we different? Understanding the challenges that our customers have experienced with other database service companies (upselling, no digital ID, nickel and dime charges via tokens, only partial data, old data, etc.) - we decided to keep things simple. Once we agree on the data you want, we give you the data & let you go. No tokens, no upselling. A bonus you won't get anywhere else, we give you the Digital ID so your marketing team can easily run ad campaigns. Our DAX service fees automatically includes an expert DAX data consultant to ensure you maximize the return on investment in DAX.
* Data Provided Based on Data Availability